Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space – what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)?

Public figures or people in a position of trust have the opportunity to reach more audiences in the media space and have the opportunity to establish contacts with more people to open up their own visibility, which is very beneficial to them. But at the same time, being seen by more people means accepting more people’s scrutiny and comments. Once they do things that are contrary to the image they have created to their audiences or say some inappropriate remarks, they experienced a huge backlash and even affect their own work. As audiences might feel that they are unreliable and unprofessional, thereby affecting their reputation. 

How to best address negative replies and critiques reflective of your personal values and employer social media policy?

I think the most important thing in dealing with negative comments is to distinguish the types of criticism. If it is a constructive comment or criticism, it must be thought through. If we made the mistake, then change it; if not, we should remind ourselves not to do this. If it’s brainless abuse, then you don’t need to care about it. Because those people’s opinions are hard to change. If it causes adverse effects, I believe many social media can report and block these negative comments. We must understand that there will be people in this world who don’t like us, so don’t be too harsh on yourself.

How do notable individuals use social media?

Notable individuals should use social media cautiously. Because their reputation is based on their behaviour and opinion. As Judy Vance said, they themselves are their brand. Their opinion and behaviour will affect their brand. Deviations are likely to affect their careers. Of course, they can also actively interact with the audience. So that they can establish a deeper connection with the audience, convey their ideas more effectively, and receive more encouragement and support.

What are the benefits of being in the public eye and having a PLN?

The advantage of entering the public eye and owning a PLN is that you will have the opportunity to let more people know you and know what you do. When you have enough audiences, your speech will become influential. Many people will be encouraged because of you, and you will get more support and career development.

Building community with online tools provided by the employer can be limiting, what are the perceived restrictions and benefits?

Through the online tools provided by employers, we can make our communication with customers more professional, and at the same time increase the credibility of the conversation. At the same time, through the employer’s PLN, the content you want to convey can also be spread faster. However, because it is through the employer’s online tool. Our every move is restricted and must be implemented strictly in accordance with the requirements of the employer, so we must pay more attention to the professionalism of the content and the way of speaking.

Delivering information in a connected society requires verifiable resources, how to build a PLN to rely on?

In today’s society, more often people will unconsciously spread unconfirmed news, causing rumours. So it is very important to integrate reliable information and have critical thinking when seeing the news. Listening to reliable, reputable sources is a less error-prone option, and it is also very important to verify the information yourself.

How do those, who are veteran storytellers, minimize risk in sharing misinformation?

Before sharing information, we must ensure the authenticity of the information, not exaggerating or guiding. Then we have to make our own modifications to the content to ensure that the wording is accurate and the expression is complete, so as to reduce the deviation of the audience’s understanding of the information.